The plan to
convert tea plantations in North Sumatra to palm oil plantations could be
detrimental to local economies and the environment, a local councilor said.
Irwansyah Damanik said the conversion would adversely affect the livelihoods of
many people in the province, particularly those living in Simalungun and
Pematangsiantar regencies, where most plantations are located.
conversions also affect the Earth’s natural ability to absorb rain, thus posing
the threat of flooding, he said. In contrast, water scarcity is also another
threat because palm oil plantations consume more water, he said.
said that he had already discussed his concerns regarding the plan, which was
proposed by state agriculture company PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV with
Pematangsiantar Regional Development Board (Bappeda) chief Herowhin Sinaga, who
also expressed objections to the plan.
said that the city government had serious doubts about the conversion plan due
to potential impacts on water supply for the region.
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