Antara News, Tuesday, November 2, 2010 21:17 WIB
Kerinci, Jambi (ANTARA News) - Vulcanology Monitoring Post in Kayu Aro reported on Tuesday that Mt Kerinci in Jambi province has begun to show increased volcanic activities and spewed volcanic clouds that covered its peak.

"Actually, the volcanic activities of Mt Kerinci have been increasing in the last several months. On Tuesday, the highest mount in Sumatra belched volcanic ashes that covered its peak," Heri, the monitoring post chief said here on Tuesday.
He said that as an active volcano, the emission of the volcanic clouds was something normal as a result of the magma flows inside the mount.
However, its activities so far could not yet be seen with plain eyes. This is because of the fact that as the highest mount in Sumatra which reaches 3,805 meters above the sea surface, its peak is often covered by haze and clouds, so that the ashes it has sent out is not seen, he said.
To see the ashes, monitors use monitoring devices available at the post.
Heri said that the clearly seen increased volcanic activities were reflected in the increase volcanic tremors which reached up to 5 to 6 times a day.
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