Jakarta Globe, July 26, 2010
Journalist Muhammad Syaifulah was found dead in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan on Monday. Syaifullah, the head of Kompas' Kalimantan bureau was known for his articles about environmental issues in Kalimantan. (Photo Kompas)
Balikpapan, Indonesia. Muhammad Syaifullah, head of the widely circulated Kompas newspaper's Kalimantan bureau, was found dead at his house in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, on Monday. His body was taken to the Bhayangkara Hospital in Balikpapan for an autopsy.
A source told the Jakarta Globe that Syaifullah's wife asked two journalist friends to check on him. He lived alone in the newspaper's staff house at the Balikpapan Baru complex on Jalan Mediterania.
When the friends arrived at 9 a.m., they saw that Syaifulla's car and motorbike were parked at the carport. They let themselves in and found Syaifullah's body in front of the TV. His body was covered in bruises and he was frothing at the mouth.
Kompas' managing editor, Budiman Tanuredja, told online news portal detik.com that the autopsy was conducted based on the family's request.
“We are waiting for the autopsy results and we will take action after we know the cause of death,” Budiman said.
Born in South Kalimantan in 1967, Syaifullah joined Kompas in 1996. He is survived by his wife Isnainijah Sri Rohmani and their two daughters, Nadhila Amajida, 12, and Najmi Izzah Sabrina, 6.
Syaifullah was known for his passion for the environment. Many of his articles were about the environmental destruction in Kalimantan caused by the mining industry.

The Alliance of Independent Journalists to investigate the death of Kompas journalist Muhammad Syaifullah depending on the autopsy results. (Photo Kompas)
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