On November 24, 2007 gas spurts and rivers of incandescent lava flow from the crater of a young volcano that has emerged in the same place where, 125 years ago, the biggest volcanic eruption in history took place. (Katakugini’s Weblog)
Sand quarrying on Mt. Anak Krakatau has resumed, with the operating company claiming it obtained a permit from South Lampung Regent Wendy Melfa.
Jakarta-based PT Ascho Unggul Pratama was given the right to carry out sand mining on the active volcano by former South Lampung regent Zulkifli Hasan in May 2008.
PT Ascho managing director Suharsono on Wednesday denied conducting a disaster mitigation project illegally.
He said the company had received the permit in May 2008 during the administration of former South Lampung regent Zulkifli Anwar. The permit, he said, included a decree explicitly stating that PT Ascho could sell solid waste material, including sand and rocks from the area.
"We are not carrying out mining activities, but disaster mitigation to minimize the impacts of Mt. Anak Krakatau potentially erupting. This is part of in-depth research by experts from the Bandung Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Center (PVMBG), the Lampung branch of the Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA), Lampung University, the Bandung Institute of Technology, and the Indonesian Physicists Association," said Suharsono.
But environmentalists and volcanologists said sand mining on Anak Karakatu should be immediately stopped because it was detrimental to the environment and biological ecosystem around the mountain.
Lampung Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) director, Hendrawan, said that a survey by his group showed sand mining on Mt. Anak Krakatau was carried out under the pretext of disaster mitigation.
"Facts show the company is carrying out sand mining, not disaster mitigation. We have photographic evidence. Fishermen and visitors who usually fish around the area have also witnessed this."
Despite obtaining the license from the South Lampung regent, PT Ascho cannot conduct mining as such activities have not been approved by the BKSDA, the Bandung Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Center (PVMBG) and the Forestry Ministry.
In August 2008, then forestry minister M.S. Kaban strongly rejected issuing a disaster mitigation permit on Mt. Anak Krakatau on the grounds it could damage the environment and the tsunami early warning system installed by the PVMBG.
He said the South Lampung regency administration had to coordinate with the relevant stakeholders, such as the Banten provincial administration, the BKSDA, the Ujung Kulon National Park Center and ecotourism experts and developers.
Lampung BKSDA head, Ambar Dwiyono, acknowledged issuing a permit for PT Ascho to install disaster mitigation equipment on Mt. Anak Krakatau, but said his agency had prohibited the company from mining sand.
"My staff went to Mt. Anak Krakatau last week and did not find any heavy equipment there," said Ambar.
However, when The Jakarta Post asserted that it had photographic evidence of the mining activities, Ambar said he would reinvestigate. "If sand is actually being taken, we will take harsh measures," he said.
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